
Literary Salad.
Salad leaves are prepared for this game by folding and twis...

False Alarm
Two parallel lines are drawn on the ground, about 40 feet dis...

A game played with wooden balls and mallets, on a flat piece ...

Single Wicket
Single wicket may be played with any number of players, and i...

Bean Bag Box
_2 to 20 or more players._ _Playground; gymnasium; schoo...

Tether Ball
_2 to 8 players._ _Out of doors._ This is one of the ...

Hallowe'en Fates.
For obtaining partners, fill a pumpkin rind with nuts, whic...

Changing Seats
_20 to 60 players._ _Schoolroom._ This game is played...


Counting-out Choosing Sides And Turns Who's It?
Counting-out rhymes and other methods of choosing players for games form one of the most interesting topics in the whole study of children's games. Such rhymes and methods are found in use all...

This is a very popular method among children. One player in the group, generally self-appointed, but sometimes chosen by popular consent, does the "counting out." He repeats a rhyme or jingle, touching one player o...

A favorite method of choosing players, especially with boys, is that called "holders" or "hand holders." When a group of boys decides to play a game, one suddenly shouts, "Picker up!" picks up a pebble and hands it...

Drawing Cuts
In this method of choosing players, a blade of grass or hay or a slip of paper is provided for each player in the group. These should all be cut of approximately the same length, with the exception of one which sho...

Racing Last Over Etc
A popular method of determining who shall be "It" for a game is for the players to race to a certain point, the last one to reach it being "It." Or one of a group of players deciding on a game may say "Last over th...